Whether you have a website or a mobile application, we can help users find you more easily. Position your app or website among the first search results and achieve success
Why I need this?
We will agree that having the best website or the best application is useless if nobody finds you. That is why it is so important to position yourself among the first results for those terms that best respond to the user’s search intention. We can help you improve your positioning, expand the success of your project.

What we can do for your website?
We help you improve your SEO On Page by improving the following most relevant aspects:
Title and metadata
Perhaps the most important elements on each of the pages of your site. We will ensure that you include the correct keywords, we will avoid over-optimization. It should give the user a clear summary of the content.
Web architecture
It is essential that the structure of your website is comfortable, it is a very important aspect and that we must take care of. We must create different levels of navigation so that users and search engines can navigate correctly.
It is vital that our website has correct semantics, with a selection of coherent and well-studied keywords and supported by good keyword research.
Images optimization
Images are the main elements that can cause our website to weigh excessively. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to have all of them optimized so that they take up as little as possible.
Internal links
Bots must be able to easily navigate our website, and therefore we must guide them correctly using internal links that connect consistently and point to the most relevant pages.
The response and loading time of our website is a vital aspect, one of the ones that could penalize the most. In addition to the images we must also optimize the code and all the resources.
What we can do for your app?
Improving the ASO of an app can encompass more changes than just changing the metadata. From the developer console of the platform in question, we can obtain certain metrics and clues that can help us find points of improvement that we can enhance, in addition to trying to help you include applications in your app that will provide us with vital information about the behavior of users once they install it and thus allow us to analyze and detect what we need to improve.
In this case we will study your case and we will see with you how far we can go to improve the performance of your application to the maximum. We can distinguish the following most relevant points of analysis and improvement:
Metadata optimization
We analyze the main factors where we must intelligently choose the keywords to attack in the 3 most relevant points: Title, brief description, description. We will do an exhaustive keyword research and we will create for your app the metadata that will give the best performance.
Each app works better in some countries than in others, and this can be due to many reasons. We analyze your app in each country to detect where we can exploit it more, which countries respond better, we manage translations… In short, we optimize your app expressly for each market.
Test A/B
The developer consoles of the different platforms offer powerful tools that are sometimes somewhat unknown. We will test your app to detect which variants of icons, images or metadata may work better, we will analyze the response of the users and apply the detected improvements.
Usage analysis
If we have the possibility to perform usage metrics and analyze user behavior, we will be able to detect points of improvement and we will try to improve retention, usage time, and all the parameters that determine the success of your app as much as possible.
Testing / performance improvement
Since there is a huge number of different devices where your app must work, it is possible that in some the performance of it is not the most optimal. We analyze and test this for you on a wide variety of devices, detect areas for improvement and help you solve it.
Marketing / Boost ratings
We can help you get more users to your app, this is a very relevant indicator for platforms and they will position you based on it. Together with the rest of the actions that we will undertake, we will help you improve the opinion that users have of your app, one of the most determining factors for its positioning.